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Lake Health Services Staff

We are proud to work in a district that is committed to the health and well-being of its students and realizes the value of having a full-time RN in each building. If we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Lake Middle High School

Catharine Hoover, RN, BSN, CEN, LSN
School Nurse Coordinator
Phone 330-877-7532

Shaunna James,  AAS, RT(R)(CT)

Phone: 330-877-7522
LMHS clinic fax number: 330-877-0853
Address: 709 Market Ave SW
                Uniontown, Ohio 44685

Lake Elementary School

School Nurse
Phone: 330-877-7526
LE clinic fax number: 330-877-4738
Address: 225 Lincoln Street
                Hartville, Ohio 44632
Lake Primary School
School Nurse
Phone: 330-877-7531
LP clinic fax number: 330-699-3101
Address: 13244 Cleveland Ave
                Uniontown, Ohio 44685