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Military Family Resources


Military Family Resources


Thank you for your service, your commitment, and your unwavering contributions to our country.  You are our heroes, and we are forever grateful.


Supporting Ohio’s Military Families:

Over 15,000 students in Ohio are members of military families. Frequent moves and family separations through deployments, as well as reintegration issues can make life especially challenging.


Educator License Fees Waived for Veterans and those in the Military:

The Ohio Department of Education and Workforce has eliminated fees for educator licenses to recognize the contributions of military families. The fees for any initial Ohio educator license, permit or certificate – or for a renewal – will be waived for candidates who are veterans with honorable discharges or current service members of all branches of the United States Armed Forces, the National Guard or Reserve, or the Ohio Military Reserve or Ohio Naval Militia (under the Ohio Adjutant General). Spouses of active-duty service members also may receive a license free of charge. 

Additional Information:


Troops to Teachers:

The Ohio Troops to Teachers (TTT) team assists transitioning active-duty service members, currently serving reserve component service members and military veterans along their journey to obtain an Ohio PK-12 educator license. Contact the TTT Program Coordinator at to discuss individual educational career goals and for assistance in developing an action plan to obtain an Ohio Educator License.

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Month of the Military Child:

In 1986, the Secretary of Defense designated each April as “The Month of the Military Child” and all branches of services provide special days and events to honor their children. This commemoration recognizes the contributions that military children make as their parents, guardians and families serve our nation. Because of their resilience and ability to deal with life-changing events, military children are an inspiration and a source of pride for our nation.


Purple Star Award:

The Purple Star Award for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display onsite. 

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Additional Resources:

Childcare Aware if America:  Child Care Aware of America is proud to partner with the United States Military and Department of Defense to serve and support their families through the Fee Assistance and Respite Child Care Programs. 

Military OneSource:   Military OneSource from the Defense Department is your 24/7 gateway to trusted information, resources and confidential help.  When MilLife happens, it’s your “firstline of support” – giving service members and military families tools to stay well and thrive.  Call us anytime at 800-342-9647 – we’re here for you.


Our Military Kids:  Our Military Kids is a national 501©(3) nonprofit offering extracurricular activity grants to children and teens of deployed National Guard, deployed Reserve, or post – 9/11 combat wounded, ill, or injured Veterans in treatment.  OMK activity grants build the children’s self-confidence, enhance family wellness, and strengthen a shared sense of community.  A 24hour live chat homework hotline, available for students in grades 4-12.  Includes all branches of service and is FREE for all military connected youth.


March2Success: An online standardized test resource for ACT, SAT, & ASVAB.  March 2 Success is FREE for all students.  The system provides a full array of subject specific assessments and remedial course tailored to the students’ educational needs, as well as practice drills and tests.


eKnowledge: A standardized test resource for ACT, SAT, & ASVAB.  All military students & families can receive FREE $350 Semester-length, Interactive, Multimedia, Online Courses.


Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC): The MCEC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to quality educational experiences in times of transition and family separation.


Ohio Military Kids:  Ohio Military Kids (OMK) is a partnership between the Ohio National Guard and The Ohio State University’s 4-H youth development program.  The goal of OMK is to create community support networks for military youth when they experience a loved one’s deployment.  OMK educates the public on the impact a deployment has on a service member’s children, families, and communities through awareness building and educational trainings with schools and community organizations.


Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission: The Compact provides information addressing key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility, and graduation.


Pets For Vets: Pairs veterans with shelter dogs that are specially selected to match the veteran’s personality.


Ohio Inter-Service Family Assistance: ISFAC is a state-level committee of regional, state, federal agencies and organizations that meet to collaborate and align resources in support of Ohio troops and military families.


Safe is Strong: Strengthening Family Health and Safety in Military Families: This website provides resources to strengthen the health and safety of military-connected families with young children.   


Military Discounts:  Veteran Benefits, Financial Resources, and Discounts for Military Families.


Ohio Cares: Behavioral Health Support for Service Members, Veterans, and Families: Ohio Cares connects military personnel, Veterans, and their families to behavioral health services.


Ohio Veterans Education Council:   The Ohio Veterans Education Council (OVEC) is an organization dedicated to assisting veterans in accessing educational opportunities in the state of Ohio.  It provides resources and support to veterans and their families to help them navigate the various educational benefits and programs available to them, including the GI Bill and other state-specific initiatives.  OVEC may also advocate for policies that support veterans’ education and work to improve access to higher education for veterans across Ohio.


District Point of Contact:

Angel Harbaugh – (330)877-9383 or email:


Building Point of Contact:

Lake Primary – Megan Seeley

Lake Elementary- Joey Brightbill

Lake Middle/High School- Dan Harold