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Stark County Integrated Preschool (SCIP)

Register HERE!


SCIP is the acronym for the Stark County Integrated Preschool, and is a joint venture between the Stark County Educational Service Center and the Lake Local School District. Preschool special education classes enroll children on an Individual Education Plan (IEP).  The classroom teacher is a special education teacher. Therapists, a social worker, and psychologist are available to provide services in these classrooms. 
The SCIP program is designed for 3 - 5 year old children who reside in Lake Local District. Half of the students in the SCIP program have documented disabilities and half of the students are peer role models. 

The SCIP Program at Lake Primary has openings for preschool peer models for the 2025-2026 school year. The online application will be available on January 1st, 2025. The link to the application form will be posted on the district website:


Peer models are selected through a mandatory screening process. The screening process will be in-person at Lake Primary on March 4th. At the screening, your child will participate in a variety of preschool activities with several other prospective students, looking at their social, communication, motor, and language skills. Applications will be accepted through January 31st at 4PM. 


Applicants must:

  • Be residents of Lake Local School District 

  • Be three-years-old by August  1st, 2025 

  • Be fully toilet trained (not in pull ups)

  • Demonstrate strong communication and social skills 


Please understand that not all children that apply will be accepted. There are a limited number of peer model placements available. It is highly recommended that you register early as screening spots fill up early. Priority for screenings will be given to students who turn 4 by August 1st, 2025.  

Registration is available at the following link:


Online Resources

Registration Link

Frequently Asked Questions

SCIP Information


Lisa Shannon
Director of Special Services


Special Services
Lake Local Administration
436 King Church Ave SW
Uniontown, OH 44685
Phone: 330-877-9383



Lake Primary School SCIP
(330) 877-7510, ext. 4092