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Superintendent's Message

Welcome to 2025!

Happy New Year to all of our students, families, and community. It is hard to believe that we have completed half of our school year. There have been many educational opportunities for our students over the past several months. Our students are making the most of their learning experiences and the results of their efforts continue to shine. All of our students in grades K through 12 have daily opportunities to integrate technology into their learning and our students are meeting those opportunities with enthusiasm and success. Students are being led in student directed learning activities promoting collaboration and discovery learning. I continue to see examples all over our district of our students and staff using our facilities for how they were designed and intended.

All of us at Lake Local hope your child is finding the success you desire. If you are experiencing difficulty in achieving the results you would like to see please contact us and make sure we have open communication between all stakeholders for your child’s education. We want all of our students to be successful.

I am certain that 2025 will bring new opportunities and challenges alike. We are committed to providing positive experiences for your child. We will continue to work with community stakeholders and higher education to ensure that our students are well prepared for whatever awaits them as they leave Lake Local Schools.

To our parents with senior students, I wish you a productive and successful final semester at Lake. The next few months will fly by faster than the last 13 years. We certainly hope you can enjoy all of the pomp and circumstance that comes along with having a graduating senior. Wishing all of you a fun ride to the finish.

If you find yourself in need of assistance for your child or their care, please never hesitate to reach out to any of us at Lake Local. We are here to serve our children and serve our community. I thank you for your continued support and dedication to Lake Local Schools.


Kevin Tobin, Superintendent


Office: 330-877-9383
Fax: 330-877-4754


Administrative Office Address 
Lake Local Schools
Administrative Office (Door 25)
436 King Church Ave., SW
Uniontown, OH 44685
Administrative Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.